Technical Support: PCSS NOC    |    Looking Glass:    |    NOC:

PIONIER-IX is a nationwide distributed IPv4 / IPv6 traffic exchange infrastructure created around the PIONIER network nodes and the scientific and academic networks (MANs) forming it. PIONIER-IX uses distributed access and switching architecture, which optimizes the traffic flow between participants. Access to the PIONIER-IX is provided through the MAN research networks forming the PIONIER consortium.

Emergency 24x7x365 Support

Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center NOC provides support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and serves as the customer entry point for all service outage reports and other service-related issues. The NOC can be reached through phone or e-mail 24/7.

Technical Support Summary

Phone: +48 61 858 2040
Hours: 09:00 to 17:00, Monday to Friday
24h Emergency: +48 61 858 2015